1新建的... 大家捧场吧
1我灌啊灌啊。 最后发现发洪水了 我被淹死了
3( ⊙ o ⊙ )啊!我很无奈啊。OH,MY GODNESS!
3There is a lady called Bunny Doidoi sweet and kind, Was never a face so pleased my mind;I did but see her passing by, And yet, I'll love her till I die. Thomas Ford
24月末的时候我跟朋友出去吃饭被逼着喝了不少的酒,第二天胃疼的要命,去了医院诊断说是什么急性出血性肠胃炎,害得我住了半个多月的院。在病床上躺了半个月,经历了许多的事,一言难尽。 在这里我想对醉跟各位一直默默支持与喜欢Bunny的朋友说一声:辛苦你们了,你们都是好样的!同时希望有更多志同道合的朋友参与进来,别的不多说了,一切为了Bunny!
0When I wake up in the morning,You are all I see When I think about you,And how happy you make me.You're everything I wanted;You're everything I need;I look at you and know;That you are all to me. Barry Fitzpatrick
1大家以后叫banned就叫笨笨吧`` 英文没学好的说```
10咳咳.. 带个头
6. 不就没让你当小吧么? 至于这么嘴臭? 你自己没申请还当喷子? 我算见识了, 有种不要删,
1人好少啊 - -# 真太少了。。。
0无聊啊无聊.. 没挑战性
0. 你有那资本吗? 2b ...
1希望你能继续担当bunnydoidoi吧小吧主, 我们需要像你这样有责任心, 而且热爱bunny的管理者,
0.. 不看看你长那什么B样? 站你吗B领啊? 傻吊
0昨天晚上我做梦梦到自己有了一百兆RMB, 然后到找了个翻译到英国娶了bunny 哦米拖佛
0Hello everyone, I never really use online social community like myspace or bebo or even facebook! But I have been looking at all three, it turns out. Facebook was my favourite. So here is my facebook account! It's fresh and has never been used so add me as a friend Ok! ^___^ http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1253738796&ref=profile#/p
0Hello, I have alot of moderators, that is so they help me out in my channle. But recently Some of my mods are banning people who are not doing anything wrong. I then get tones of emails stating that they are baned for nothing. I cant tell if they are genuin or just using that as anxcuse. So by now i just leave them ban even if they say they'v done nothing wrong. . I was thinking . To Solve this Problem, i need to unmod everyone. But then what if the mods i unmod are the goooooood mods.?
0名字:Jeerawan 位置:UK 加入:1月 29th, 2009 兴趣:Vivienne Westwood 最喜爱的jtv行情:It's simple, all you have to do is smile. Mark as spam I live in England, I have done now for 8 years. I consider England as my home but I always miss Thailand and Japan. I have a boyfriend and I love him alot. Most my interest revolve around him, he works in IT. I never really like Computers until I met him, now I am always on the internet. Also a more personal interest of mine is art. I enjoy drawing alot, my style of drawing is very dark. I'm sorry to say. I love fashion and
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