24you are not alone I'll be your friend like a bird runs after the wind and the sunshine falls into your palms look at my eyes and feel my heart they‘ll be warm to you day and night no matter how long the time has gone pretty girl, smell the flowers and grass find the color belong to your soul don't afraid the dirty road to the garden you are so pure that none is able to hurt when the brook flows into the lake taking the bluestone's missing and grudging when the sunset glow makes the sky more beautiful leaning your shadow on the white lotus you will feel the soft side of the nature like an ang
3RT,作者诺曼.麦考格, 陌生人,我喜欢你 如此静静地站立 在你携带着的 光的强度里。
0求各位吧友分享一个14行以上 主题和韵脚都比较鲜明的英文诗 非常非常感谢
1A Traveller of a Higher Civilisation Shuttling in the dark universe dotted With stars in a silver speeding carriage From faraway planet where I parted To the third planet where live worms savage. First flick uncaringly the moon away, Then I extinguish the sun with a blow, Darken the whole planet, blacken the day. Temperature drops and blizzards follow. These nasty worms devour the bodies dead, Die in hunger or shed blood like water. Even oceans are tinted scarlet red. Skulls pile up and emit stinky odour. While nothing interesting happens afterward, I Sigh and urge the horse to go forward. 一
0Non-existent Dragon Pure water Perpetual motion machine Elysian fields Elixir of life Heptadecahedron Everything goes back to childhood The love of lovely you to me MelodyTree May 23, 2019 PS: 微信:NANDANRAN1
0经核实吧主翎雅若璇 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 英文诗歌吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0“润物细无声”是杜甫《春夜喜雨》中的一句。 英语句子只要主题是“雨水无声”就行,不限于诗歌,勿论古今,不管喜悲。但不要太过冷僻。 请各位答主给出作者名和作品名(至少怎么也要有一个)。
0#猪愿##猪年祝福# Be A Dreamer In 2019 I wish you a happy day with your family I wish you a meaningful hour with your friends I wish you an awesome moment with your lover I wish you a memorable second with your children In this special day, you can get all of the reunion that you want After the beginning of 2019 I wish you can be a dreamer Dream what you want to dream Do what you want to do Say what you want to say The most important thing is To be a true man Running after your dream 参考译文: 2019做一个有梦想的人 愿你和家人度过快乐的一天 愿你和朋友度过有
0想找一篇长篇诗歌 要四五个人一起朗读 百度的都太短了
16摆渡。 因为看到有亲提问伤感诗歌,所以开个集中的贴。 以下我会努力总结伤感类的经典诗歌。 欢迎大家补充。
0求wordsworth的glory in the flower的全文,谢谢
2刚来国外上学 老师发了一篇一位教授的观后感,这篇观后感是一首法国诗歌叫做《Lanval》 我们要围绕回答几个问题。 有读过或者了解的这首诗或者这篇观后感的朋友可以告诉我一下这篇观后感和诗歌的中心内容是什么嘛,谢谢大神了!跪谢!😭😭😭
1You must have seen many movies in which a hero comes, and saves the life of the character in difficulty.Reading plays that role of hero in your life. It saves you unknowingly countless times. It would not be justifying to call it just an art, or an exercise, or a hobby. It's myriads of things condensed into a single term. It's fun , it's magic , it's a surreal zone, where one can easily escape anytime - anywhere. Without any expense of travel , just by opening the book , and delving into the universe of words. Oh how lovely that moment was! When you innocently repeated the words you read on th
14开这个坑是为了给喜欢译诗的朋友分享我的译本。大家多半是从《当你老了》开始认识叶芝的。这首诗太火,以至于他的许多好诗都被人们忽视了。我根据自己的喜好选去了一些叶芝的诗,希望能让大家进一步了解这一位伟大的爱尔兰诗人。 本人是第一次译诗,自然有翻译得不恰当的地方。欢迎指正,但不喜勿喷。 感谢支持。
0Your eyes had once,and of their shadows deep; 你那柔美的神采与深幽的晕影。
0对比了一下“英语诗歌”吧 和 “英文诗歌”吧,虽然感觉都没什么人,但“英语诗歌”吧连吧主都没有,那就来这里吧!(虽然我最近才开始在贴吧发帖子)。个人是英语诗歌爱好者,对英语诗歌勉强说略知一二,目前对英语诗歌的理解还停留于"rhyming spells", 请多指教哈~把最近本来在隔壁lolita吧发的一首诗贴过来吧,希望与喜欢英语诗歌的朋友们交流一个哇~ To Lolitas Your rouge in zephyr fades, Your lace flows as you pace. Your pumps press me into the pain, Your tra
2o summer day beside the joyous sea o summer day so wonderful and white forever and forever shalt thou be to some the gravestone of a dead delight to some the landmark of a new domain
0o summer day beside the joyous sea o summer day so wonderful and white forever and forever shalt thou be to some the gravestone of a dead delight to some the landmark of a new domain
1How to Be Old by May Swenson It is easy to beyoung, (Everybody is, at first.) It isnot easy to be old. Ittakes time. Youth is given;age is achieved. One must work amagic to mix with time in order to becomeold. Youth is given.One must put it away like a doll in acloset, take it out andplay with it only on holidays. Onemust have many dresses and dress the dollimpeccably (but not to showthe doll, to keep it hidden.) It is necessary toadore the doll, to remember it inthe dark on the ordinary days, and everyday congratulate one's aging facein the mirror. In time one willbe very old. In time, on
0诗歌朗诵 http://www.fwen.net/shige/ 不会喝酒假装醉,这种事情谁不会; 一杯啤酒就先醉,这样喝醉最不会; 兄弟一起就要醉,因为这样才干脆; 如果不是好兄弟,就别喝酒先装醉。
64我目前正在读初三,业余写写英语诗歌. 有些方面会有错误,请大家多多指教哈.
0《答案在风中飞扬》 Blowing in the wind 作者:Bob Dylan 译者:coinslee How many roads must a man walk down 男儿要行多少路 Before they call him a man 方能称之大丈夫 How many seas must a white dove sail 白鸽要越多远洋 Before she sleeps in the sand 才能安憩沙滩上 How many times must the cannon balls fly 炮弹要掠多少次 Before they‘re forever banned 才能永远被禁止 The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind 答案啊 我的朋友 在风中飞扬 The answer is blowing in the wind 答案它在这风中飞扬 How many years must a mountain exist
1Rose are red Violets are blue Sugar is sweet and so are you But the rose are wilting the violets are dead and sugar bowl's empty and so is your head I want to feel your sweet embrace But don't take that paper bag off your face