7Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Robert Frost Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He hives his harness bells a shake Toask if there is some mistake. The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. 雪夜林
1雷 你这力量之神的战鼓 电 你这勇气之神的长剑 他的仆从把你敲响 鬼魅为之逃窜 他亲手将你挥舞 天空也被撕裂 我像你祈祷 你的鼓声再响一点, 震破我的耳膜 你的剑在舞的有力些, 击碎我的枷锁, 这被理智之神套上的枷锁 囚徒已死 流浪者高唱 理智之神已死, 然后, 冰与火在你的剑下永生
0上初中的时候,读了一遍,当时有点吓到了,瘆的慌,没有明白 后来重温了一遍,我哭了,我都哭了 我选择了另外的一条,天经地义,也许更为诱人因为它充满荆棘,需要开拓;然而这样的路过并未引起太大的改变。 那就留给别的人们以后去走吧 属于我的这一条我要一直走到天涯 将来从小路的尽头默默的回望 想起曾有两条不同的方向 而我走的是人迹更少的那条路 因为这样的小路才不会被遗忘 读完这首诗后,我的人生观,价值观得到了一定的影响
10弗罗斯特(Robert Frost)诗选 弗罗斯特(1874-1963),主要诗集有《孩子的意愿》、《波士顿以北》、《新罕布什尔》.《西去的溪流》、《理智的假面具》、《慈悲的假面具》、《林间中地》等。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 摘罢苹果 长梯穿过树顶,竖起两个尖端 刺向沉静的天穹。 梯子脚下,有一只木桶, 我还没给装满,也许 还有两三个苹果留在枝头 我还没摘下。不过这会儿, 我算是把摘苹果这
0Home Burial BY ROBERT FROST He saw her from the bottom of the stairs Before she saw him. She was starting down, Looking back over her shoulder at some fear. She took a doubtful step and then undid it To raise herself and look again. He spoke Advancing toward her: ‘What is it you see From up there always—for I want to know. ’She turned and sank upon her skirts at that, And her face changed from terrified to dull. He said to gain time: ‘What is it you see,’ Mounting until she cowered under him.‘ I will find out now—you must tell me, dear. ’She, in her place, refused him any help
5记者:一九一二年到一九一五年,你在英国的时候,有没有想过自己可能会 留在那里? 弗罗斯特:没有。我到那里有一阵子很穷,没有想到会出书,也从没主动找人出书。当时我三十八岁。我想出书该先经过杂志。我在杂志上写过稿,可是运气不好,除了偶尔接到稿费外,根本没有人注意我,所以没想到会出书。但我到英国时,写的数量已经够出三本诗集了——《男孩的志向》、《波士顿以北》以及《山间》