5Cape Cod style architecture refers to early homes constructed by European settlers after arriving in New England in the late 17th century. Traditional Cape Cod houses were very simple: one and one half stories, symmetrically designed with a central front door surrounded by two multi-paned windows on each side. Homes were designed to withstand the stormy, stark weather of the Massachusetts coast. Modern Cape Cod architecture still draws from colonial designs.
32Istanbul architecture
0皇家摄影学会[(RPS)Royal Photographic Soiciety of Great Britain] ,世界上最早的摄影组织。始创于1853年。自成立时起,一直得到英国皇室的支持和赞助。“皇家摄影学会”名称,是英国维多利亚女皇1893年颁定的。学会原设于英国首都伦敦,1980年龄粤,迁至英格兰西部的巴斯威。该会现有会员近8000人,按会员的水平为:普通会员,初级会士和高级会士。会员除大部分为英国人外,还有近1/3的为世界各国的摄影艺术家。英国皇家摄影协会又译作“大不列颠皇家摄
0时装设计师协会 The Council of Fashion designers of America awards CFDA(Council of Fashion Designers of America)颁奖典礼,即美国时装设计师协会大奖,有着“时尚界的奥斯卡大奖”之称,因为CFDA时尚大奖在时尚界的地位就相当于电影界的奥斯卡一样重要。 美国时装设计师协会大奖(CFDA Fashion Awards)一年一度,每年的红毯都是设计师们、时装爱好者、电影明星们最期待的时刻。走上美国时装设计师协会大奖(CFDA Fashion Awards)红毯的嘉宾,无疑是被公认的潮流引领
0Two Steps From Hell,中文名逃陷地狱[trailermusic],厂牌简称XTS,是由托马斯 伯格森以及尼克菲尼克斯在美国联合建立。现在他们属于HANS ZIMMER汉斯季末旗下的RC公司旗下。 他们主要做电影预告片音乐以及商业广告音乐制作。托马斯的音乐刚柔并济,特别擅长柔中带刚,Female Vocal是托马斯的招牌,他的个人solo专辑NEMESIS无与伦比震撼人心! 尼克,著名的音频的领军人物,很多专业的音频合成师作曲家音频导演应该对这个名字非常熟悉,因为著名的EAST WEST
9丹下健三/KenzoTange 丹下认为:“虽然建筑的形态、空间及外观要符合必要的逻辑性,但建筑还应该蕴涵直指人心的力量。这一时代所谓的创造力就是将科技
01.英国航空公司(BRITISHI AIRWAYS):总部英国伦敦希斯罗国际机场. 2.法国航空公司(AIR FRANCE):总部法国巴黎戴高乐国际机场. 3.德国汉莎航空公司(Lufth
2全球最富盛名的建筑学奖项的中国得主,批评了肆意拆迁的做法,称拆迁割裂了中国不少城市的景观,使其面目全非,几乎无法辨认。王澍今日将在北京举行的一个仪式上领取2012年普利兹克奖(Pritzker prize),他的言论突显中国各界对于城市规划的普遍抱怨,目前中国正处于城市化的过程中,仅在去年一年就有逾2000万农村居民迁至城市。王澍是首位在中国从事建筑设计工作的普利兹克奖得主,他在一个汇聚历届得奖者和本土建筑师的论坛上表示,中国的
3埃及艳后即克丽奥佩托拉七世(Cleopatra VII,公元前69—前30 希腊语:Κλεοπατρα Ζ,又译克利欧佩特拉七世;约前70年12月或前69年1月—约前30年8月12日)是古埃及托勒密王朝的最后一任法老。文艺或电影上,她被认为是为保持国家免受罗马帝国吞并,曾色诱凯撒大帝及他的手下马克·安东尼。 公元前69年,克莉奥佩特拉出生在亚历山大埃及王宫,到她登基的公元前51年,她已是如花似玉的少女。按照王朝的古老传统,她不得不嫁给她的大弟托勒密十
00A.A.R = against all risks 担保全险,一切险 A.B.No. = Accepted Bill Number 进口到单编号 A/C = Account 账号 AC. = Acceptance 承兑 acc = acceptance,accepted 承兑,承诺 a/c.A/C = account 帐,帐户 ackmt = acknowledgement 承认,收条[/color] a/d = after date 出票后限期付款(票据) ad.advt. = advertisement 广告 adv. = advice 通知(书) ad val. = Ad valorem(according to value) 从价税 A.F.B. = Air Freight Bill 航空提单 Agt. = Agent 代理商 AI = first class 一级 AM = Amendment 修改书 A.M.T. = Air Mail Transfer 信汇 Amt. = Amount 额,金额 A.N.1石上 纯也(いしがみ じゅんや、1974年(昭和49年) - )は日本の建筑家。(株)石上纯也建筑设计事务所主宰。日本建筑学会赏、ヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレ金狮子赏など多数受赏。 【翻译:石上纯也,1974年出生,日本建筑师。石上纯也建筑设计事务所创始人。曾获得日本建筑学会奖、威尼斯双年展金狮子奖等。】0Wang Shu (Chinese: 王澍, born 4 November 1963) is a Chinese architect based in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. He is the dean of the School of Architecture of the China Academy of Art. In 2012, Wang became the first Chinese citizen to win the Pritzker Prize, the world's top prize in architecture. Early life and education Wang Shu was born on 4 November 1963 in Ürümqi, the capital of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in China's far west. He began to draw and paint as a child, without any formal training in art. As a compromise between art, his passion, and engineering, his parents' r0Wang Shu (Chinese: 王澍, born 4 November 1963) is a Chinese architect based in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. He is the dean of the School of Architecture of the China Academy of Art. In 2012, Wang became the first Chinese citizen to win the Pritzker Prize, the world's top prize in architecture. Early life and education Wang Shu was born on 4 November 1963 in Ürümqi, the capital of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in China's far west. He began to draw and paint as a child, without any formal training in art. As a compromise between art, his passion, and engineering, his parents' r2Wang Shu (Chinese: 王澍, born 4 November 1963) is a Chinese architect based in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. He is the dean of the School of Architecture of the China Academy of Art. In 2012, Wang became the first Chinese citizen to win the Pritzker Prize, the world's top prize in architecture.1001阿拉伯塔酒店,又称迪拜帆船酒店。全世界最豪华的酒店当数阿拉伯联合酋长国境内迪拜的帆船(BurjAl-Arab)酒店,翻译成汉语又称“阿拉伯塔”,又叫做“阿拉伯之星”。它是世界上第一家的7星级酒店。位于中东地区阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜酋长国的迪拜市。1Skytrax是一家以英国为基地的顾问公司,是Inflight Research Services的附属公司,其主要业务是为航空公司的服务进行意见调查。透过对国际旅行的问卷调查进行统计分析,从而找出现有服务提供者中拥有最佳空中服务员、最佳航空公司、最佳航空公司酒廊、最佳机上娱乐、最佳膳食及其他与航空公司相关的服务意见调查。除了上述的意见调查以外,Skytrax的网页亦设有航空公司讨论区,让旅客分享其飞行经验,以供其他旅客参考。另外,他们亦有进行服务22006年10月建成苏州博物馆新馆,设计者为著名的建筑设计大师贝聿铭。 馆址为太平天国忠王李秀成王府遗址。面积8000多平方米,分东、西、中3路,中路立体建筑为殿堂型式,梁坊满饰苏式彩绘,入口处侧门,有文征明手植紫藤,内部东侧有太平天国古典舞台等,是全国重点文物保护单位。4Lighting or illumination is the deliberate application of light to achieve some practical or aesthetic effect. Lighting includes the use of both artificial light sources such as lamps and light fixtures, as well as natural illumination by capturing daylight. Daylighting (using windows, skylights, or light shelves) is often used as the main source of light during daytime in buildings. This can save energy compared with artificial lighting, which represents a major component of energy consumption in buildings. Without proper design, energy can be wasted by using too much light, or using out-date5诺曼·福斯特建筑学学士(曼彻斯特大学),建筑学硕士(耶鲁大学),英国皇家建筑师学会会员,国际上最杰出的建筑大师之一,被誉为“高技派”的代表人物,第21届斯特林建筑大奖得主。诺曼·福斯特特别强调人类与自然的共同存在,而不是互相抵触,强调要从过去的文化形态中吸取教训,提倡那些适合人类生活形态需要的建筑方式。一生的荣誉很多,作品很多。5The Architecture of Istanbul describes a large mixture of structures which reflect the many influences that have made an indelible mark in all districts of the city. The city is somewhat surrounded by the Walls of Constantinople, originally constructed by the emperor Constantine I to protect the original city from invasion. The architecture inside the city proper contains buildings, statues, and functional constructions which came from ancient ancient Greek, Byzantine, Genoese, Ottoman, and modern Turkish sources. The city has many architecturally significant entities. Throughout its long hist2An architect is a person trained in the planning, design and oversight of the construction of buildings.31小冰期是指一段在中世纪温暖时期之后开始的时段。这个名称由弗朗索瓦-埃米尔·马泰(François-Emile Matthes)于1939年所创立。当时马泰用这个名词来描述一个在美国加州一条以原来的气候学说不能解释其存在的冰河。大约15世纪初开始,全球气候进入一个寒冷时期,通称为“小冰期”,在中国也称为“明清小冰期”,小冰期结束于20世纪初期。5Landscape art is a term that covers the depiction of natural scenery such as mountains, valleys, trees, rivers, and forests, and especially art where the main subject is a wide view, with its elements arranged into a coherent composition. In other works landscape backgrounds for figures can still form an important part of the work. Sky is almost always included in the view, and weather is often an element of the composition. Detailed landscapes as a distinct subject are not found in all artistic traditions, and develop when there is already a sophisticated tradition of representing other subje010蕾丝是一种舶来品。网眼组织,最早由钩针手工编织。欧美人在女装特别是晚礼服和婚纱上用得很多。18世纪,欧洲宫廷和贵族男性在袖口、领襟和袜沿也曾大量使用。16维多利亚风格是19世纪英国维多利亚女王在位期间(1837——1901年)形成的艺术复辟的风格,它重新诠释了古典的意义,扬弃机械理性的美学,开始了人类生活中一种全新的对艺术价值的定义,这就是“维多利亚风格”。0