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    浮山不共此山齐 百年乘兴且长歌 浊酒一杯家万里 梦里不知身是客
    临江常笑 12-18
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    有关于MOOC English for You : 1月8日
    Ben_xxhww 8-28
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    hi anybody here
    Ben_xxhww 8-28
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    日期課程標題英文課程標題中文 2 ~3A New Year, A New Beginning新年就從新希望開始 4 ~4Say Sorry with an Apomogy彩球代表我的心 5 ~6Computer Time!認識我的電腦! 9 ~10A Fresh Start年終掃除沒煩惱 11 ~12Back through Time: Day of the Dinosaurs回到過去──侏儸紀大冒險 13 ~13Should You Eat Food off the Floor?不乾不淨,吃了沒病? 16 ~17Puffball Goes Missing萌寵失蹤記 18 ~20Hades and Persephone冥王與波瑟芬妮 23 ~24Put Your Hand Up問問題,沒問題 25 ~25Don''t Make the Bull Mad!別讓公牛不開心 26 ~27Let'&#39
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    There are nine million bicycles in Beijing 北京城里有900万辆自行车 That's a fact 这是个事实 It's a thing we can't deny 是我们无法否认的事 Like the fact that I will love you till I die 就像我会爱你直到死去 We are twelve billion light years from the edge 我们离世界尽头有120亿光年 That's a guess 那只是个猜测 No-one can ever say it's true 没人能说那是真的 But I know that I will always be with you 但我知道我会一直跟你在一起 I'm warmed by the fire of your love everyday 你的爱天天都温暖着我 So do
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    "Evening Star" If you never rode West of the Arizona border You can turn the other way boy but you never get far You be living a lie if you wanna see the wonders of the age You must follow the evening star. Evening star Shine a little Heaven On a stranger with no dream Where you are. You can see the loneliness I mean and if I gotta fight I can never play somebody else's game I can follow the evening star Starlight, you never need somebody else's name If you follow the evening star. Have you ever known a sunset when the sky's on fire How you end another day boy you've
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    孔子 孟子(稳坐儒家第二把交椅) 荀卿 董仲舒 程颐 朱熹(继孔子后最博学的大儒) 陆守仁、王阳明
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    I am sailing, I am sailing Home again 'cross the sea I am sailing, stormy waters To be near you, to be free I am flying, I am flying Like a bird 'cross the sky I am flying, passing high clouds To be with you, who can say Can you hear me, can you hear me Through the dark night, far away? I am dying, forever crying To be with you, who can say Can you hear me? Can you hear me, can you hear me Through the dark night far away? I am dying, forever crying To be with you, who can say, who can say We are sailing, we are sailing Home again 'cross the sea We are sailing stormy waters To be ne
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    landmark 20030906
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    约克大学是位于英格兰约克郡的一所校园大学, 为英国罗素大学集团和白玫瑰大学联盟成员之一。 约克大学在英国官方的RAE大学排名第8位, 2014TIMES英国排名第11位, 2013/14QS世界大学排名上位居世界第114位 , 2013-14泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名上位居世界第100位 , 2013上海交大世界大学学术排名上位居世界第201-300位。 约克大学是一所高质量的研究型学校, 学校依水而建,环境优雅安静, 吸引了众多优秀学生前往。 在此,需要区别加拿大的约克大学
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    Still I said I will find what is lowly and put the roots of my identity down there: each day I’ll wake up and find the lowly nearby, a handy focus and reminder, a ready measure of my significance, the voice by which I would be heard, the wills, the kinds of selfishness I could freely adopt as my own: but though I have looked everywhere, I can find nothing to give myself to: everything is magnificent with existence, is in surfeit of glory: nothing is diminished, nothing has been diminished for me: I said what is more lowly than the grass: ah, underneath, a ground-crust of dry-burnt moss: I lo
    F_lechazo 3-17
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    市委书记赵静波率吉林市党际交流团赴台中市回访 http://www.huaxia.com/jltwlx/yw/jtjl/2015/05/4425691.html
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    2日, 潜水员官东先后潜水多次, 并成功在沉船中救出2名幸存者, 其中,为救一名小伙子,他将潜水器具让给对方,自己险被急流冲走。
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    这一年, 地下的冤魂, 在世的受难者, 多少个 终于盼到了云开见日的时刻
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    “牛的家长是帮助子女实现理想,只有傻家长才控制子女实现他们的理想。” 最近,浙江丽水摄影家协会副主席郑国强与其子郑艺互动的两封家书在网上热传。 值得一读,传递正能量!
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    CNN Student News Transcript:May 21 It`s said to be the thinnest compound known to man, a tiny fraction of the thickness of a human hair. It`s incredibly lightweight, an exceptional conductor of heat and electricity and it`s more than 100 times stronger than steel. But you probably haven`t heard of it because graphene, as it`s known, wasn`t isolated until recently. If researchers find a way to mass produce and that`s still an "if" at this point, what could it be good for? (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) NARRATOR: It`s only as thick as a single atom. It`s super bendy, but it`s also one of the strong
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    祈祷能有超自然地力量 能看穿阴险,惩罚罪恶 能让善良和正义有生存和自由呼吸的空间
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    关于义: 二者不可得兼,舍生而取义 仁义礼智信 关于利: 求名当求万世名,计利应计天下利 熙熙皆为利来,皆为利往 关于义与利 君子喻以义,小人喻以利 又有热词:厘清义利 义与利的各种关联组合: 合义之利,不义之利 有利之义;无利或不利之义 放在时间轴线上,又有 先义后利;先利后义 先义后不利;先不义后利 先利后不义;先不利而后义 … 人生种种
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    Network PTZ cameras offer a cost-effective option for security surveillance. PTZ (pan-tilt-zoom) cameras are video cameras that are capable of rotating position along two different axes simultaneously to capture video footage of a wide panoramic view of a specified area. "Pan" refers to the ability of the camera to rotate almost 360 degrees on its horizontal axis, and "tilt" is how far the camera can rotate along its vertical axis. "Zoom" is how closely the camera lens can magnify a specific area or subject. PTZ cameras are used in a variety of settings, though pr
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    月份日期单元课程标题英文课程标题中文开放日期 2015 /32 ~31J.J. Lin''s Rise to FameJ.J. 林俊杰的成名之路3/1 号开放 2015 /34 ~52“Milk''s Favorite Cookie”谁说不能黑白配3/3 号开放 2015 /36 ~63I Yawn, You Yawn止不住的哈欠3/5 号开放 2015 /39 ~114Presenting Art to the World建筑?艺术?古根汉美术馆3/8 号开放 2015 /312 ~135Meet the Wangs- A Son''s a Son till He Finds a Girlfriend王家这一家:丑媳妇总要见公婆3/11 号开放 2015 /316 ~166The Language of Dogs – Part II汪汪翻译机《下》3/15 号
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    2 ~31Into the Woods《魔法黑森林》 4 ~52Pranks but No Pants裤不裤由你 6 ~63Computers: Working Hard & Thinking Quickly机壳里的智慧 9 ~104Once a Rail Track, Now a Park隐藏版都市绿洲 11 ~115The Language of Dogs—Part I汪汪翻译机《上》 12 ~136Meet the Wangs- Sometimes Love Isn''t Enough王家这一家:爱,不够吗? 16 ~167How to Be Annoying?烦人的艺术 17 ~198In the Valley of the Wolves德鲁伊狼群的传奇故事 20 ~209Living Like a Star无重力世界:国际太空站 23 ~2410Celebrating Chinese New Year农历新年快乐! 25 ~2511Wha
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    CNN20150227 It`s no coincidence that the acronym for Seasonal Affective Disorder is SAD. A psychiatrist first described it in 1984. Mayo Clinic lists SAD, or S-A-D, as a type of depression. It usually starts late in the fall or early in the winter and usually ends when the days get longer in spring and summertime. Treating it can be as easy as laughing with your loved ones. Even if you love the cold and winter sports, you`ve got to admit, this has felt like a long winter. At least 12 million Americans suffer from something known as Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. The number is probably ev
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    Happy Xmas 推荐两本圣诞小说:也求哪位朋友有英文原版?或介绍哪里能买到? 圣诞小说一:狄更斯的《圣诞颂歌》 圣诞小说二:欧亨利的《圣诞礼物》(麦琪的礼物) 《圣诞颂歌》(A Christmas Carol ) 是英国伟大的批判现实主义作家查尔斯·狄更斯的三部圣诞小说之一, 创作于1843年。 其他两部为《钟声》 和《炉边的窸蟀》。 主要讲的是一个吝啬鬼的故事。 一个吝啬鬼积攒了很多钱,然而他却不舍得为职员的炉火加一块儿煤, 他的侄子好意的邀请他参
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    2013, 10,5 smartphone 12,14 2:37 Christmas Joy 2014. 1.15 8:18 Let you live in your home 2.15 3:18 future 3.15 3:12 A friend for Lift 4.16 7:36 5,14 6,18 7,16 8,13 9,13 10,15 11,15 12,13
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    江城子·乙卯正月二十日夜记梦 苏轼 十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘。 千里孤坟,无处话凄凉。 纵使相逢应不识,尘满面,鬓如霜。 夜来幽梦忽还乡,小轩窗,正梳妆。 相顾无言,惟有泪千行。 料得年年肠断处,明月夜,短松冈。 北宋著名的豪放派词人苏轼,因梦见早逝的爱妻,而写下的一首千古传诵的悼亡词。
    临江常笑 12-30
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    Granada,中文名 格拉纳达,西班牙地名, 位于内华达山脉北麓,风景如画,建筑多姿多彩。 特别是那些阿拉伯式建筑使这座安达卢西亚地区的城市风格别具一格。 格拉纳达市是同名省的省府所在地,大学及天主教组织集中于此, 城市被达罗河划为两部分,河水从地下穿过城市中央, 左侧为阿拉巴辛老区,阿兰布拉宫便屹立在那里。 阿尔罕布拉宫 digest 20020628
    临江常笑 12-27
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    光明节(Hanukkah) 是犹太教里一个相对不太重要的节日, 比圣诞节早一些。 如果家庭成员的宗教信仰不同, 他们会把这几天称为“圣诞光明节”。
    临江常笑 12-17
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    Boyhood is a 2014 American coming-of-age drama film written and directed by Richard Linklater and starring Patricia Arquette, Ellar Coltrane
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    总以为自己该做最有意义的事 但是,平常事,平常心,不正是自己所追求的吗? 平和下来,对自己,又寸别人 海阔天空
    临江常笑 11-29
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    风颐曰和园柳碧 敬佛循香仰高阁 云影地书文昌院 倏步始自绣漪桥
    临江常笑 11-18
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    每年11月份的第四个星期四为美国的传统节日感恩节, 感恩节过后开业第一天为"黑色星期五", 人们通常由此开始圣诞节大采购。 而传统上的账
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    宋·梅尧臣《陶者》 陶尽门前土, 屋上无片瓦。 十指不沾泥, 鳞鳞居大厦。 〔今译〕 挖尽了门前泥土用来做瓦,可是自己屋顶上却没有一片瓦, 那些人
    临江常笑 10-28
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    商鞅在秦国实行变法之初, 为了能取得百姓的信任与支持, 便在国都咸阳的南门立了一根三丈长的木杆, 声明说,谁能将这根木头搬到北门去,便赏他十金
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    1、安身立命 2、持家守业 3、兼济天下
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    -02:47 Owl City Hello Seattle, I am a mountaineer In the hills and highlands I fall asleep in hospital parking lots And awake in your house
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    含沙射影 指在水里暗中害人的怪物, 口含沙粒射人的影子, 被喷着的人就会得病。 比喻暗地里诽谤中伤他人。 【出处01】 《毛诗·小雅·何人斯》: 为
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    he is anxious, go easy on him. leave him alone. he is on diet, go easy on meat.
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    临江望今月,漫夜不见云。 微星伴桥影,环山隔古人。 后世文章长,前贤无须闻。 扼腕轻踱去,行柳梦垂深。

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